Friday, May 27, 2011

I hate my computer! So frustrated uggh!

For some odd reason my computer is acting up again.
I can't see the follow button on any ones blog and I
can't see the follow me in a reader on some blogs either.
So if I am able to follow anyone it probably follow you 
in a reader. If I am to follow you please continue to follow
me  in GFC. Thanks! I will probably be able to follow some
of you via GFC when I am at school where they have much
better computers. Here's hoping. Thanks I hope you understand.


It's also running very


  1. I believe some of your problems are like the rest of ours...BLOGGER! UGH. First it went down awhile back, they fixed that then a few days ago no one could post comments on each others blogs and now all day today my followers were gone, the widget and all my followers...hoping blogger gets their act together asap!!!

    Have a wonderful memorial weekend!

  2. oh and I am now a new follower as well! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  3. I was having the same problem yesterday, thanks for following me I have return the favour

  4. Thanks guys! And you know what's weird is that
    if I am not following you I can see your widget
    but if I am I can not. I can only see mine if I'm
    signed out. Blogger definitely needs to get it together before I jump ship.

  5. I think it is blogger because I have been having the same issue off and on with seeing the followers and follow button. SSSSSSSOOOOO frustrating.

  6. Also having same problem. Can't see my followers or other's Google Friend Connect followers. My widget is up, but the space is blank. Hope this gets fixed soon!!! Another frustrated Blogger! (I can't change my profile either to add my blog's showing me I can, then not making the change!)
    Your newest follower :)

  7. Oh, well sorry computer. Thanks everyone for
    informing me. Thanks to all my newest followers!

  8. Yep, Blogger is having a lot of malfunctions at the moment, it is definitely not you! Returning your follow :)

  9. Hey
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and following it. I am now a follower of yours, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Thanks for following, I completely feel your Blogger pain, while followers have returned, now I'm having those stupid login issues, grrrrrr.......
