Hi! Everyone here is another wonderful guest post!
This one is from Leigh from Hines-Sight Blog! I hope
you will enjoy it! Thanks Leigh!:0)
It is a pleasure to be featured as guest blogger for TanyaTreasureTrove. My name is Leigh Hines, and I am founder of the Hines-Sight Blog. My blog can be wordy, funny, silly, delicious, scenic, and sometimes, informative. I am a former TV Journalist/Communications Executive turned stay-at-home mom, by choice. My two children, aged 5, and 20-months, are true blessings in my life, but they are a lot of work, I mean fun. My husband and I are two middle-aged parents that are set in our ways, and are learning to tackle parenthood one day at a time, like everyone else in the world.

The Hines Family |
I love to travel, and I have, what some would call a luxury hotel obsession. With two kids though, and only one family income, my suitcase has primarily stayed in the closet since 2005, aside from a few family beach trips. I'm hoping to change that though very soon. We're just waiting for our youngest to make it a little easier to see the world. Oh, it would be nice to win the lottery, too in order to help pay for all these trips I talk about with my son instead of doing crafts or other stay-at-home mom, structured activities. Thanks to me, my son may be terrible at building play-doh animals, but he will educate other 5-year old children about Machu Picchu. Together, we've even picked the perfect, luxury hotel. He may showcase style at an early age, but now sure how popular he may be on the playground when he tells his hotel stories. Hmmm!
My son will start kindergarten in a few short weeks, and I'm working to streamline our life. We need to make things easy! The first place I'm tackling is in the kitchen. On August 1, I am doing my first blog link-up party, and will host a "Meal-Planning Made Easy" post that will have recipes, and tips to make your monthly meal planning a snap. Hope to see you stop by the Hines-Sight Blog where you can find: southern tales, sightseeing, a luxury hotel obsession, and whole lot of THIS and THAT! I look forward to getting to know you.

New follower of the blog... love that name, "Hines-Sight"!